

参议员的责任 Include But Are Not Limited to the Following

  • Submit Senate agenda recommendations to Senate President no later than the Monday 在参议院会议之前.
  • Resolutions must be submitted to the Senate President at least 7 days prior to a Senate 会议.
  • 在部门办公室发布参议院议程.
  • Read draft minutes and email corrections to Senate President at least 24 hours prior 到下次会议.
  • 在到达参议院之前阅读参议院的材料.
  • 积极参与参院讨论.
  • 在部门办公室张贴批准的会议记录.
  • 在分部会议上报告参议院的信息.
  • Solicit division faculty to serve on committees and task forces.
  • Poll division faculty on issues and concerns and report findings to Senate.
  • Participate in Senate recognition ceremony [or other event]


Senate 会议s follow the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (Government Code §§54950-54960.5),也叫 拉尔夫·米. 布朗, 以及巴格利-基恩法案(Bagley-Keene Act). 法典§11120及以下部分.),被称为Bagley-Keene 管理“国家机构”的公开会议法.“这两项法律直接关系到如何 参议院必须处理事务. 你会想要熟悉这些 two acts, available on numerous websites, including http://www.oeginfo.ca.政府(点击 韦德1946“加州法律”).


The Open Meetings Acts outline the legal responsibilities for posting an agenda at 开会前至少72小时. 议程s are posted in the encased exterior bulletin board on Building 200 and in the lobby, in the mailroom, and electronic posting on 参议院网页. Suggested agenda items must be submitted to the Senate President 周四参议院会议之前的周一. 执行委员会,主持 by the Academic/教师参议院 President, will develop the Senate agendas, coordinate senate committee reports and recommend actions to the Senate.


会议在敲击木槌后准时开始. 参议院主席说:“会议 即将开始.” A quorum must be present before the 会议 is called to order. A quorum is one half plus one of the voting Academic/教师参议院 membership. If 没有达到法定人数,参议院可以:

  1. 确定休庭时间;
  2. 休会,
  3. 课间休息,或者
  4. 采取措施获得法定人数

If urgent business requires action, it must be ratified at a later 会议 at which 存在法定人数.


  1. 参议员提出“动议”,说:“我提议……”;
  2. 另一位参议员表示赞同. 说,“第二个”;
  3. 主席提出问题(动议);
  4. 主席要求进行讨论;
  5. Chair puts question to a vote (asks for “ayes” and nays”);
  6. 主席宣布结果并分配责任.


修正必须是密切相关的.e. 与待决动议密切相关.



Quorum: Number of senators, entitled to vote, who must be present in order to legally 办理业务. A quorum for 会议s of the Academic/教师参议院 shall be one half plus one of the voting Academic/教师参议院 membership.

No Senator may speak more than twice to the same question without consent of the body.


2/3 Vote should be a hand raising or role call vote.

Committee: body of one or more to consider, investigate and/or act for the Senate.


  1. 主要的运动: SDAMR (S=第二个要求, D=有争议的, A=可修正的, M=多数投票, R=可以考虑) 介绍业务. Can be moved only when no other business is pending.

参议员:先生. 总裁(或适当的头衔)






(M)主席:赞成的,说“是”. (停顿)

主席:反对的,说不. (停顿)


Chair: The Nays have it and the motion is defeated.

(2/3) Chair: All those in favor will raise their hand…Thank you.

Chair: Those opposed will raise their hand…Thank you.

Chair: There are two-thirds in favor and the motion is adopted.

Chair: There are less than two thirds in favor and the motion is defeated.



  1. 无限期地推迟: SDMR + 拒绝动议.

(S) Senator: I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely.

(D) Chair: It is moved and seconded that the motion be Postponed Indefinitely.

  1. 修改: SDAMR 修改待决动议的措辞.







(D) Chair: It is moved and seconded to amend the motion by…(as moved)

  1. 引用或提交: SDAMR 以便进一步研究.

(S) Senator: I move to refer the motion to the …committee

(If special committee, mover may name committee, chairman, number of members and if 成员由任命或选举产生.

(D) Chair: It is moved and seconded to refer the motion to the…committee.

  1. 推迟肯定: SDAMR 移动到稍后的时间.


(D) Chair: It is moved and seconded to postpone the motion until…

  1. 限制或延长辩论: SATR 监管的辩论 (* T = 2/3投票)

(S) Senator: I move to limit (or extend) debate to… (Number of minutes, speakers, 或时间)

(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded to limit (or extend) debate…(as moved)

  1. 提出问题: STR 停止辩论,投票.


(Q) Chair: The previous question has been called for.

  1. Table: SM 暂时搁置.

(S) Senator: I move to lay the motion on the table.

(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded to lay the motion on the table.

  1. 今天的命令: IC 遵循议程.


主席:今天的会议已经开始了. 如果没有人反对,我们就会 按正常程序办事. (如果付诸表决,需要2/3的人投反对票 符合议程.)

  1. 课间休息:山姆 会议短暂休会.


(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded that we recess for …(Can amend as to time).

(When not privileged it is an incidental main motion and subject to rules SDAMR).

  1. 休会: SM 休会休会或结束会议.


(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded that we adjourn.

(When not privileged it is an incidental main motion and subject to rules SDAMR).

  1. 确定休会的时间:纳德 Set time when an adjourned 会议 will be called to order.

(S) Senator: I move that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet at …(time and place).

(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet at…(time and place) (When not privileged it is an incidental main motion and subject to rules SDAMR)

  1. 顺序点: IC 请主席遵守秩序.


主持人:陈述你的议事顺序. (反应). 你的顺序问题很好. (椅子 更正错误),或者

主持人:你的程序问题没有被很好地采纳. (主席继续发言,可提出上诉).

  1. 上诉: ISDMR 对主席的决定提出质疑.

(S) Senator: I appeal from the decision of the chair.

(D) Chair: (After explanation) Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?

(Not debatable if indecorum, priority of business, or pending question is not debatable).

  1. 暂停规则: ST 暂时抛开规则.


(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded to suspend the rules to…(as moved)(2/3)

  1. 反对审议这个问题: IT-FI To prevent consideration of an original main motion.

(S) Senator: I object to consideration of the question. (必须先打断说话者 他开始讨论).

(D) Chair: Consideration of the question has been objected to. 问题是 被认为是? (需要2/3的否决票不考虑).

  1. 问题的划分:山姆 划分运动.

(S) Senator: I move to divide the question to consider separately the motion 那。and 那。

(D) Chair: It is moved and seconded to divide the question to consider separately the motion 那。and 那。(Each part must be able to stand alone).

  1. 考虑连续的:山姆 分段考虑.

(S) Senator: I move to consider the motion seriatim.

(Q) Chair: It is moved and seconded to consider the motion seriatim or by paragraph.